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xLAWx boxerboy401

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Everything posted by xLAWx boxerboy401

  1. To set the server greeting goto http://www.pbbans.com/account/server.php Click the Modify link for a server then enter a message under Join Greeting The GUID is used for hub personal greetngs but we also use it for verification purposes.
  2. Im setting up streaming to the server, and I would like it to have a greeting when players log into my battlefield 2 server. but where do i go to activate the greetings, I clicked enable when i set it up to stream and I still do not see anything going up when players log into the server. Do I put the information into the team information section for bans and such, if i do; what would be considered as the GUID? is it my player or what....
  3. Thank you for the help, now to figure out how to get the welcome messages going lol, if anyone knows that would reallly take a lot of weight off my shoulders.
  4. Hello, I'm the main admin for my clans server, and I was just learning about all this punkbuster pbbans and all. but I have looked everywhere on how to get the PunkBuster ScreenShots going, I do not have the webtool that my old clan has, I do not understand how to get it, I've gone to a lot of people asking around until one person pointed me out to pbbans. So I am hoping that you guys can help me out here. thank you
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