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    Spectres of Convoy
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    Battlefield 3
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  1. Looks great and loads fast,good job.
  2. Hey Bro Welcome to the the club;)

  3. hows everything at HBD thanks for the friend add

  4. Boy did we miss you guys,thank you for all that you do.
  5. This user has not configured their 'About Me' page and has not added a signature to their account yet.

    Johnny you need to set this up ,I sent you a PM on HBD

  6. Young Luke,

    Jim is your Father;)

  7. Hey Johnny nice to see you made it in.

  8. Poor old EA gets Bashed about again :P BF2 is still going strong in our clan while COD4 and WAW have faded some what. As much as we complain about BF2 you have to admit it still gets played a lot for such an old game. I would be happy if they would just redo BF2 with better graphics(1080p) and fix the name hacks and server crashes by Punks. Last night we were playing GT and talking in Vent about how the game has seemed to changed in the last little while. Claymores that may or may not go off,Arty that will come down on it`s self sometimes with in a round. A lot of little things,some of them funny like C4 going off by its self. It`s like the game has a life of it`s own :blink: Anyone else notice this,maybe it`s all those late night games catching up :lol:
  9. Great to see it back up again,thanks for all your hard work.
  10. hello stan .........Mr G

  11. Hello Karl,doing your homework I see

  12. Very Interesting,thanks for the info I'll pass it along to a couple of our Clan members that are having this issue with Vista.
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