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Everything posted by GoT-Viper

  1. The thing you have to remember about BF2, is that there is A TON of account theft and spoofing that occurs there... That's why I stopped having a ranked server...
  2. No he's talking about when a player is typing in chat, or otherwise busy a light bulb will appear above their heads, to inform everyone they are "thinking" I do not believe you can get rid of it.
  3. Here's an example of viewable by all: http://got-owns.com/forums
  4. Thanks for getting it resolved! As a server owner myself, I can tell you that nothing is cheap. Sure the hdd may only cost $60, plus the $40 for overnight shipping, in addition to the $100+/hr that you have to pay for labor to the data center. All in all = $600 A few years ago one of my servers was hacked to the point it needed to be reformatted. The simple task of reformatting cost $250.
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