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Everything posted by R-.^SpoonTea^

  1. just scrap it, i had wrong ip
  2. my new aa2 server is registerd by previus owner, how can i register it under my account thanks for help
  3. Hi, We just got new server i set it up for streaming, but when i'm looking at the server info can see that server is register for CoF-Gaming can u sort this out please Thank you in advance
  4. ok rgr thank you
  5. not exact what I wan't can u change it to R[-.^SpoonTea^ please
  6. Thank you
  7. bump still not done
  8. Hi Can u please change my display name from -=mTr=-^SpoonTea^ to R[-.^SpoonTea^ Thank you
  9. I ain't got change display name . Edit Profile Information . Edit Personal Portal Information . Edit 'About Me' page . Edit Signature . Edit Avatar Settings . Change Personal Photo
  10. How can I change my display name.
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