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    Call of Duty 4
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  1. Hallo Fozzer, I found out what they have done. One of the binaries was modified. I've uploaded all the original files from icculus.org. Now my question is, can I or some of you check if the server is really runing clean? It would be nice if you could help me and we can stream again to your service. Thanks a lot -___- cybbe
  2. Thanks for your answer fozzer :( Sadly to hear, that some of my clanmates are so stupid. I'll will check this and give you a answer. In deep shame -___- cybbe
  3. Hi all! We just rented a new CoD4 Server and wanted to use your streaming service. After the "Automated Hub Setup" worked successfully, I tried to add the server. But then the message showed that our server is blacklisted. Could you maybe check why it is blacklisted? How I said before. Its a new rented server which runs in our Clan now for nearly 4 weeks. Information: Game Call of Duty 4 IP: Port, if necessary 28960. Thanks for helping and as usual my poor english -___- cybbe by order of Pancho ;)
  4. Hey Merlintime, I started the server now. It would be nice if you can check it and give me further information :) Thank you very much AmiGo|Pancho
  5. Hello I saw that our Server ( was blacklisted. Dont know if it was cracked or not (We have to much guys with admin access). All in all I reinstalled the whole game and made a clean install. Maybe you can delete this server (PLEASE) from the black list :) Thank you very much AmiGo|Pancho PS: What I have to do now?
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