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Everything posted by Euthanasia

  1. This is probably being justified in a few ways: 1. Because of the piracy, they feel justified in recouping potential losses. 2. Since the game is so good, those of us who love the CoD franchise will just pay and like it. 3. Consoles are already sitting at an average of $60 a pop for a new release. Why should PC versions of the game be any different? 4. Inflation.
  2. I'll stick this up on their forums and see if it helps. They claim to use FUD and initially I was told the ban came from FUD and not an admin, even though my kick messages were reading "admin decision." They had since looked at the logs and undid the ban. This only confirms to me that I was booted by someone on rcon. Consequently, I have a similar thread running at Punks Busted, trying to get input from them as well. Thanks for your response, Dan.
  3. Misused the term I suppose since I was banned from that particular server (was a little upset that night because of it). They have since removed me from the list but a lot of their members obviously view me as suspicious. Even with some video evidence I'm getting responses like "the video hurts your case more than it helps." Unfortunately, I have a point to make and I won't drop this unless they decide to re-ban me. For me, to just not play on servers that accuse me of something I am not doing is only showing them they're right and I'm wrong.
  4. Thanks for the replies. I wasn't thinking when I named the server in my initial post. My apologies. Is there anything I can do to prove to the CoD community that I'm running 100% clean? I already made a YouTube video (youtube.com/akittenonfire) showing the mouse I use along with some game footage of me using the M14. Some that have seen it are on the fence and some are still unwilling to budge from their belief that a mouse cannot be clicked that fast. Call me mental, but I won't rest until I find a way to show that I am playing clean. I'll probably make a very long (and well lit) updated video in coming days, but for now I was just looking into other options before this thing turns into an all out witch hunt on me. The M14 is my favorite weapon and I refure to stop using it just because other players can't deal with my unusual finger dexterity. It's ridiculous that I should even have to take it this far, but I am determined to prove that...the world is indeed round...and...and...man really has been to the moon.
  5. My ability to click my mouse faster earned me a ban on the ********* server earlier today. What worries me is that they supposedly stream/share their logs with this site and one other. I've already pleaded my case on their forums in hopes that they'll undo this. In the meanwhile, I'm trying to educate myself a little since I haven't played in a long time. Being that I know I'm clean and have no macros or other scripts set up, can some paranoid admin still submit my logs to these shared ban sites and in turn get me banned from other servers? Is there anything I can do to prove I'm not cheating (seems so silly that I'm trying to prevent possible trouble with a video game just because I have quick fingers)? Anyway... Much thanks in advance to any responders.
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