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  1. And what exactly gives punkbuster the right to say what I can and can't run on my computer if it has absolutely nothing to do with cheats? I supposed that is in their TOS? If a legitimate program is using a windows API function call then we (punkbuster) are not responsible to update our program too work with these legitimate programs. Correct me if I am wrong here but isn't Windows 7 going to be using API function calls in some of their desktop functions? If this is so and punkbuster can't do anything about it here it seems like there's going to be some serious problems ahead.
  2. I'm not trying to get on anybody's bad side here, but just closing this tool did not rectify the situation. Switching back to the default Windows theme did. Therefore certain themes within this program use this particular API function call and if the themes within these programs are used then PB doesn't like it. I'm getting the feeling PB doesn't want my desktop to look goooood...lol
  3. Seems to have blown it off or the ticket wouldn't be closed with his vague response. If I had received a message from him that they have tested this program and found that it uses a certain API call that they have absolutely no way of bypassing to exclude this program then I probably would have been OK. Not a 'if your getting an error on pb after installing a program all ya have to do is exit it'. That was already tried. Didn't work. The only way to not get the error was to change back to Windows default Theme. This program does have an overlay that sits on the desktop but it does not overlay the game. So there is something there that is making the difference between this overlay being sent to just the desktop and not the game that punkbuster should be able to decipher.
  4. well I recieved a response from PB, and I didn't really approve of it. It's as if they're blowing it off so they don't have to fix something that needs to be fixed. I'm sure they have recieved money for being part of certain games so they need to start working with Microsoft and getting some of these bugs worked out. What I don't get is this "tool" has absolutely nothing to do with any game. Below is the response I got.
  5. I will say that the ESP is somewhat of a wallhack. not in the instance where they can see a figure of a person thru the walls but as an instance of where they can see name tags thru walls. Don't say anything to the kid, but get your server streaming to pbbans then let the kid think everything is OK.. :)
  6. Nope, just Windows Vista. Everything was fine before they installed the program mentioned above. all this program does is change themes around.
  7. I downloaded a program called Alienware AlienGUIse and showed it to some friends. So they installed it and shortly afterwards went into a COD4 server and immediately recieved an "Unknown Windows API" error. The Alienware program can be found here: http://www.alienware.com/community/aliengu...me-manager.aspx The below picture is a screenshot of the message recieved after running this program and then joining a COD4 server with PB enabled. This seems to be a false read or something that punkbuster has not added into it's known Windows API database, but hopefully this can be fixed.
  8. No, what would be better would be to run this so called hacking server, and have people just add it to their favorites, then after a few months and them so used to playing in that server switch it up to punkbuster enabled and streaming to pbbans. That should catch a few of em at least. Would be pretty funny to watch this. I am evil!!!!
  9. If anyway possible could I get a screenshot of my listing in the Master Player Index? The name it would be under is -[nX]-Corrupt and it would be under Call of Duty 4. If possible please send a screenshot of the listing into my PM's. Thx I just need a listing of all the names I have used on that account.
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