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Everything posted by {FO}McCune

  1. Thanks for your replies I thought I was losing my mind as I could not find the old server IP anywhere.. ..Will leave things this way. Thanks again..
  2. Done a lot of reading but I'm kind of stuck here. Our server changed IP during the past two weeks twice. Forgot to update our PbBans settings here. So I've added a new server with the new IP: So far I managed to get it streaming: HERE For some reason though I can't get the old IP out of the system and replace it with the current IP. When I go into "Manage Signatures" I still get the old data. So I've changed my profile to point to the correct IP and tried "Account Application". But this gives: You are already attached to Account #5784 So I'm a but confused. What do I need to do to get rid of the old IP address and just use the new one?
  3. Taking the necessary steps as we speak. Actually I did not know you needed files to apply a hack. Thought it was just a simple 0\1 switch of certain CVAR's. As you can see I'm a big noob when it comes to in-game hacks. Thanks again for the info.
  4. This was what I was lookig for actually. Thanks for the URL. I will take the steps that are required. We will discuss this on our forum as well. We will have to make up for ourselves if the strict policy from PbBans is suitable for a small group of players. There are only about 7 active players. And now PbBans tells us that it's not even allowed for a player to stay on the forum to even talk about this. Does this mean that there are actually people looking on websites to see if a person, even with a new game code and registered e-mail\nickname, on a specific forum is somebody who has been banned once? I know this is not something to discuss here but the boy is 13 years old and played on a server where they use so called wallhacks. After playing he joined our server without turning the hack off. He got kicked, later his brother tried to join... ..wel you can guess the rest. The permanent ban on Evenbalance I can image because it won't be a containable situation if they did it any other way. But it seems that PbBans is even chasing people to a forum\website. Even if they boy is really regretting all of this and even got a beat-up from his even younger brother. ;) Again this is not the place to discuss this and I probably have to discuss this with other members on how we proceed...
  5. Just replied... I do agree to the ban that the user was given. But I did not totally understand the banning of a clanmember. Where do I have to remove him? Already removed him from the greeting messages. But there are no other links to this user related to PbBans or Evenbalance. As you can see to my post count we've had a few to no problems at all. We will notify our members about this. My apologies for the behavior of our member :(
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