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    Call of Duty 4
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  1. OK, I just heard back from my hosting company and was told that PB is not installed in CoD4 by default. I've gotten it installed and updated PB to the latest version. Will attempt again to STREAM. :-) Thanks
  2. Hi, Guys. I get this when trying to use the Automated Streaming Setup Tool: [iNIT] Opening connection ... [MSG] Connection opened [MSG] Checking PB version ( pb_sv_ver ) ********************************ERROR******************************** Q3 Remote Console Driver: Server is not responding *********************************************************************** I have a feeling it's related to my CoD4 server's not having a punkbuster folder. Correct? If so, what's my next step? Thanks.
  3. Hi. I've gone through all the various registrations and signups and GUID setting (once I figured out what a "GUID" was), etc. and am waiting for approval (I think) so I can manage my account. However, I'm confused because I modified the .cfg file that I uploaded so that my Call of Duty 4 console would automatically display some text messages during games. That feature is WORKING. So, does that mean my server is "streaming", or not? I still can't "manage my account" here so assume I haven't been approved. Could someone clarify the process for me, please? I'm still at a loss after reading the Startup Guide, the Setup Guide, the Welcome Guide, various posts in various threads, etc. LOL Yeah, I'm a newb. Sorry. Thanks in advance. Any help appreciated.
  4. I'm making my way through the various signup processes and wonder about step (3) in "Setup Using FTP". I'm at a computer that does not have my game (Call of Duty 4) loaded on it so cannot access the game rcon at the moment. However, I am server admin so am able to restart the game server. I've uploaded the two files, pbucon.use and pbsv.cfg, but can't give a rcon command. If I reboot the game server, will that automatically "restart PB"? Thanks.
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