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Everything posted by homescoolfamily

  1. Sir, Server, America's Army version 2.8.5, is back on line. I checked my account here and no servers were listed, so I listed it as a new server; as opposed to a streaming-failed server issuer. I uploaded YOUR pbsv.cfg file (added a few lines at the end to restart the server daily and ensure PB is enabled, is all. I also uploaded the pbucon.use file to the PB directory at the GameServers site. The color coding says waiting admin approval. Is that all I do, and check my email periodically? Have mercy on me please; I'm 53 years old, got into this game with my sons, have two clans and a server, am a former Naval Aviator ... they call me gramps, lol. We do not like cheaters/hackers; and we have in the past had plenty of them. I thank you in advance for your time and consideration of this matter. Respectfully, Daniel E. Hartman -[i-C-D]-NavalAV8R
  2. NO KIDDING! Any of you admins offer consult services? Because my server ( stopped streaming mysteriously awhile back, and I tried everything to fix it. I got it working again, and it stopped again. Then my clan got deactivated. Then II asked for it to be re-activated. I never got a message, but it says this: Team Status Account ID 5802 Name International Cadre of Death Tag -[i-C-D]- Website http://www.cadreofdeath.org E-Mail [email protected] Team is Active so is 5802 my new clan ID??? HELP! I'm sorry, this is way harder than it needs to be. Can I get on staff just to make this simple direction book??? I'll pay for you to fix my server!
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