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  1. I joined this forum also because I just learned I have a global ban against my GUID# I am fustrated and disappointed that one, you cant get to a human to plead your case and two, activision says they can't do anything either because punkbuster put the ban on my GUID#. Punkbuster (Even Balance) is a contractor of Activision. http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-viewban-813a71f7-vb88608.html It was clear in my ban data the the person that did this in my case was in the Netherlands. I too have several virus apps and spyware apps running on my system and find no back door programs that are stealing anything from my pc. What fustrates me is that they say they cannot tell if it came from my pc or not yet it is evident in the ban data that it came from an IP in a different country. While I understand not wanting to lift the ban on the original cd key or GUID# and I plead my case properly why wouldn't activison just give me a new key. I own 3 legal copies of COD4 for each player in my household and I am really disapppointed that they are telling me I have to buy another copy of the game. I know someone earlier asked why we are posting here if we already followed the Even Balance support process, well the answer is simple, we were wronged and we have no means of speaking with someone to voice our concern. I need to vent... Another $39 is not going to kill me but that is not the point. Why should I have to buy another game if I didn't do anything wrong. I support Punkbuster in that I do not want to play in servers full of cheaters but at the same time they need to understand that any of us that have had our keys stolen are victums also and the last time I looked victums had rights too. Thanks for the opportunity to vent!!!!! I am still not satisfied with their response and will continue my efforts to get this corrected without having to buy another copy of the game. As the previous poster mentioned, he will get a friends key to use. Isn't that forcing non-cheaters to be cheaters by having to use other keys to play the game? What's the benefit of that. I really think Activison and Punkbuster are looking at this the wrong way. Globally banning someone is not the answer. If their software works as designed, it will kick the person using the cheat and let the good people play. Banning the GUID# is not the answer in my opinion. Geo
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