salut jai recu ce email :
If you have not done so, you need to enter your PB GUID in your profile so we can validate your account. This is needed due to a recent upgrade to our accounts system. Failure to do this, may affect your streaming status.
> Follow the steps below to do this:
> 1. This process MUST be done from the computer with the game installed
> 2. Go here:
> 3. Click on "Edit Profile" in the left menu.
> 4. Enter your PB GUID in the line provided.
> 5. Select the correct game for this PB GUID.
> 6. Click Submit
> Please enter your PB GUID as soon as possible so we can validate your account.
mes quand jai esayer de me loguer plus capable il a fallue que je me cree un nouvelle acount au complet comme si jetais un nouveau clan
car avec mon acount vibeclan sa ne marchais plus
et apres avoir fait la nouvelle demmande jai enter le pbguid et les nouvelle info et sa me disait error se clan existe deja
comprend pas ????