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Everything posted by CLANKILLER

  1. Hi i have tried and tried and tried and even changed my server with my host and still i cannot manage to get my server streaming, i have streamed to you guys lots of times and its easy as hell and now... It just will not stream :( i need this server done by friday for a match we have, if any admins can jump in sort it out for me i will love them forever.. lol :) Account id: 5843 Also can an admin please change my tag for me? from RoW to |SoF! Thanks.
  2. sorry i miss type it.. This is the i.p I have tried everythin and still its not streaming :(
  3. Ok still the same issue.. i have my ranked server streaming fine... but my unranked match server just will not stream.. i have tried everythin and still nothin happens?? can a admin try and sort this for me coz its wrecking my skull now :( This is the server thanks.. match server
  4. Hay fozzer you see the server? I have tried everythin and i cannot get it to stream?
  5. Like it says above... i have just been accepted and when i click on live hub i get this No Player Data was found for this server... What is this about? I have also tried the automated hub setup.. this all seems to work just fine.. but my server is still not streaming?Can anyone help me? Thanks
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