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    SoF2 - Been the PB admin for DeZ clan for a while, need to join the community here to help bust the cheaters on our servers
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    Dedicated Enlisted Zombies
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  1. Each screenshot is from a different map. The first one is from hk2. The second one is from kam5. The third one is from shop2. And the fourth one is from dust. 4 different maps, yet every single AA messed up PB screenshot looks the same. It definately points in the direction of being a PBSS blocker or faker.
  2. Find out if there is a specific, definate time interval between lag sessons after you first log in. If there is a definate interval (say every 3 minutes almost exactly), then compare it to the server's cvar/md5tool checking interval. I forget what the server command is for the interval.......I think it is pb_sv_sleep or something. If it matches up, then it is most likely pb causing problems. Also, are you the only one that lags, or is it everyone on the server? If it is only you, then check simple things like your firewall if you are behind one (software one or router hardware one). It could be causing a delay in the communications between PB and you.
  3. Ok, I was in our demo server last week. It was me and about 3 other guys (2 on 2). We were all pretty much goofing around trying to learn how to fly the planes. I noticed the guy on my team getting in the Blackhawk while I was getting in the Apache. So I decided I would follow him and practice giving him support to land troops. He flew out from the carrier a little bit then turned around. I followed him the best I could until he started hoving above the water (his wheels were actually in the water a little). I am not that steady that low so I was a bit higher hoving. I watched as he slowly inched his way into the boat dock area of the carrier and land it on that platform. I was so amazed, that I ended up crashing my own Apache. I have tried to do this many, many times, but when I get close to the water to start hoving in, I crash.
  4. You will always be Major General to me. ;)
  5. I think the person in question is using a script to change his sensitivity on the fly. I wrote a simple one not too long ago, but removed it as I didn't think it would be fair in league play. I play with a sens of 8. But, I set it up to where when I pressed the shoot button, it would set my sens to 3 (making the mouse movement slower so I could precise target a smaller area) and start firing. The reason I did this was that I found that a sens of 3 kept my shots grouped better in a single area, but I found that before I started shooting, I couldn't zip my mouse over to a targets quick enough to start shooting. So this was the solution I made. I liked it, and my game improved a lot, but I didn't want to cause a lot of grief in leagues, so I now I just adapt and try to play with a sens of 8. I think this guy has set up a sens rotating script that set max = [whatever value he desires at the time]. He hits a predefine button that rotates it to the next value and set 'max' as that value, then the value of 'max' is loaded into his sens. I am saying this is definite, but it is what I think the guy/gal is doing. I would still keep an eye on him/her though.
  6. I am not a big fan of Yang, but I have gained a lot of respect for him lately. I remember once way back when DeZ did a fun scrim with Qc, and Yang was owning us. He pulled out the m60 and was mowing us down keeping around an 18-19% accuraccy with the most inaccurate gun in the game. At the time, I was fairly new to being the DeZ pb admin, so I was very suspicious of him. I confronted him about it after the match stating in no polite terms that I didn't trust him because there was no way to keep such a high accuraccy with the m60. He told me it had to do with the way you tap the gun when you fired. At the time, I thought that was a bs answer. Well, a few months ago, I went on a spree where I used nothing but the m60 on pub servers because I was growing bored with the game. As I played more with the gun, my fire button tapping started to adapt to its firing method. At the peak of my m60 pub days, I was going whole 20 minute maps with a 15-27% accuracy depending on if I was camping or being more active. I am still not 100% sure about Yang, and that is coming from my pesimistic side that thinks anyone that gets above a 1/1 ratio in the game does cheat (yes, I am an old paranoid bastard). But, I do agree that Yang is a very skilled player. And as far as I can tell, the cvars you posted up are all legal. I know his yaw and pitch speeds are set exactly like mine are in the game.
  7. I usually do not get involved with public ban appeals, as there is a correct method of going about submitting your ban appeal. But, I am going to respond to this one as you are questioning the integrity of the PBBans community. First off, he was kicked for a cvar........a well known, and very, very confirmed cheat cvar. There are only two ways to get this cheat cvar, using the illegal program that utilizes this cvar, or by putting this cvar in your config yourself (either by typing it in or by using someone elses config). Now if it was a situation of using someone else's config, then the ultimate bottom line is that you are responsible for the editing of your config as Stymie stated. If you change something in your config, you should know what you are changing or at least find out before you change it. You ultimately can not trust other people in this world, and you will be held repsonsible for what shows up in "your" config. But the problem here is not someone else's config file. As brought to light by RodeoBob's post, you did in fact appeal this ban. And in the appeal post, you stated what happened to you. You said it was a pb updating issue. You updated PB and it took care of the problem. Then you asked them to take the ban away because you would never, ever cheat. The problem lies in that you never stated that it had anything to do with someone else's config. And what you were ultimately banned for could never have been caused by an un-updated pb software issue. So in light of all the evidence given, your ban is valid. You have no grounds what so ever to come to PBBans and question their trustworthiness or to bash PBBans. There was no SS involved in the final result, so that could not have been faked. There was no admin submitted evidence, so a misceivious admin could not have sabotaged you. This violation came straight from the server logs, which are streamed straight to PBBans. When you were kicked, PBBans got a copy of it. So, I am sorry that you have been caught, but next time save yourself the embarrassment and don't attack the integrity of PBBans.
  8. A game hook violation is where a cheat program tries to change or alter an event in the SoF2 game.
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