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Everything posted by mrix2000

  1. Hi I decided to run the Automated Hub Setup again and its working once again? does the setup get messed up from time to time is this normal as no config files were changed since the last Auto Hub setup? cheers all |2es-mrix
  2. Hi all, finally got our COD 4 server streaming yesterday and in that time it removed around 5 hackers :D The only thing this morning the server stopped streaming and no changes had been made since we had success with the stream??? Any idea`s why a server would just stop streaming like this?? I thought it might of been the server glitched so i restarted it with no joy.. thanks for any idea`s cheers mrix Account ID: 5880
  3. Hi all, on application to get my servers streamed I only had the option for one server? is this all we can stream at one time? I have a BF2 and COD4 server, will it be possible to add another server at some point? cheers all mrix
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