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Everything posted by NFM-HIGH

  1. [H][H] Highs hellraisers has changed ip BF Bad company 2 and need admins approval for streaming thanks u for ur time
  2. our server company changed the port so i went in and changed the port.I believe its saying it waiting on a admins approval.
  3. ty for ur time
  5. We just got a new server and when i came to get it added to stream its telling me that it is already streaming.When i checked the server ip it came up as cod2.Was wondering how i can fixs this.Any help would be really appreciated
  6. Just update manually until they get it fixed.Im sure it will be soon[see what the cheaters do to the world]
  7. Man had me scared for the moment.i was like damn both servers went down
  8. For some unknow reason our server continues to stop streaming.I have checked the files and everything appears to be in order.Not sure what the issue is.If a admin can help i would really appreciate it.IT stops streaming like every hour and i have to come back in and restart the stream CODWAW:
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