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Everything posted by GoldenPlums

  1. the clan im in has all our servers streaming here anyway, not sure about the server i was on. i was just wondering if there was anything i could do to get one of the countless hackers in the gaming community "off of it" so to speak. ah well we shall just have to wait for him to join the wrong server and get his stupid ass banned himself :)
  2. Hi All, i recorded an obviouse hacker but apart from his name i did not know how to get any other information on him (like his GUID). i was wondering if i posted the video, would you be able to do anything about said hacker? if so where should i post the video and what format should it be in. thanks for all the help :) P.S it was not on one of my clan servers but being a helpfull member of the online community, and totally against any type of hack, i thought id record him and post up here to see what could be done. for future referance what other details of the person would i need and how would i go about getting it?
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