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    The TNT Clan
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    Battlefield 3
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  1. One of our admins got this ban and he IS NOT a cheater. He is a good player. His father is also an admin and would smash him and his machine if he caught him cheating. I just found out about it this morning and haven't heard back from him because of a time zone difference. I suspect there is some kind of third party software (not cheat software) involved here. I've told him via PM to appeal the ban with evenbalance. I would rather PB be overly cautious and correct a false positive later than allow a cheat to go unpunished if that's in fact what it is. If it is I'll be very disappointed and sad. I've seen a few people in Battlelog saying they got it and they think it may be related to either the R11 patch or to the lateset Nvidia driver's Shadowplay. I updated my drivers but did not install the extras.
  2. We recently found a player on our server acting suspiciously. Running his GUID, it comes up clean but with 4 different nicks. The one name with the same last 8 of the GUID has a streaming ban from a MoH server but it is not globally banned. Our server streams to GGC, pbbans, and punksbusted and it never picked it up. This might not be enough information but what am I missing?
  3. Just noticed we're reactivated. I'll add the server now. Thanks for the help!
  4. Whoops those are old servers I need to delete. They were streamed at one time. I need to get the BC2 one streaming two. I'll play around with it. Hmmmmmmm I can't even get into the CP to delete my sigs. Would it be easier to just start a new acct? I posted in that section and it it sat so I put something here too. According to the sig on our website, the server was streaming at one time and showed the last ban in September 2010. I also tried the config tool and it wouldn't connect.
  5. I posted in another section but I don't think it was the right one. The server is and has been active for some time and for some reason got deactivated. Thanks. Account ID: 5958 Name: The TNT Gaming Group Tag: Website: www.thetntclan.net Error Code: Account Inactive
  6. As head admin of <TNT> and a member here I take great offence to your assertion. Admins are like people in any organization. There are some more experienced in certain areas than others. Along with Turtles thread there also is a parallel thread in our admins section about this. The ban has been reviewed by more experienced admins and has been lifted. My apologies to Turtles for the misunderstanding. We do not kick or ban people for being good. Never have and never will. If I ever found out an admin did that they would immediately lose their admin rights. I would suggest that commenting on matters of which one has no direct knowledge is often not an entirely wise thing to do. No one likes their integrity questioned. We run clean servers and we err on the side of caution. If someone is banned in error it will be corrected.
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