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Everything posted by bazacop

  1. well guys after i re formatted my computer every was good. until i load up stopzilla then i got the message again. so i have got rid of stopzilla and now every thing is good again only trouble is is that i paid for that program to help keep me protected. dont no how to install it and make it work with pb
  2. avos not sure wat u mean there sorry
  3. no there is not:(
  4. well i have just about given up have no clue how to sort it all i no is sometimes i can play but mostley io carnt and its all to do with pb b failing this is the log [11.05.2008 19:22:57] PnkBstrA v1029 Service Started Successfully. This service is a component of the PunkBuster Anti-Cheat system. Visit http://www.evenbalance.com for more information. [11.05.2008 19:24:58] Attempting unload of pnkbstrb. [11.06.2008 11:10:26] PnkBstrA v1029 Service Started Successfully. This service is a component of the PunkBuster Anti-Cheat system. Visit http://www.evenbalance.com for more information. [11.06.2008 11:12:29] Attempting unload of pnkbstrb. [11.06.2008 11:14:00] PnkBstrA v1029 Service Started Successfully. This service is a component of the PunkBuster Anti-Cheat system. Visit http://www.evenbalance.com for more information. [11.06.2008 16:09:05] PnkBstrA v1029 Service Started Successfully. This service is a component of the PunkBuster Anti-Cheat system. Visit http://www.evenbalance.com for more information. [11.06.2008 16:50:16] PnkBstrA v1029 Service Started Successfully. This service is a component of the PunkBuster Anti-Cheat system. Visit http://www.evenbalance.com for more information. [11.06.2008 20:17:07] PnkBstrA v1029 Service Started Successfully. This service is a component of the PunkBuster Anti-Cheat system. Visit http://www.evenbalance.com for more information. [11.06.2008 20:34:35] Attempting unload of pnkbstrb. [11.06.2008 20:39:25] Attempting unload of pnkbstrb. now b kBuster Anti-Cheat system. Visit http://www.evenbalance.com for more information. [11.06.2008 20:31:37] PnkBstrB v2.122 (COD4) Service Started Successfully. This service is a component of the PunkBuster Anti-Cheat system. Visit http://www.evenbalance.com for more information. [11.06.2008 20:31:46] WARNING: CRITICAL ERROR: Failed to Register Service (ffac) [11.06.2008 20:31:53] PnkBstrB v2.122 (COD4) Service Started Successfully. This service is a component of the PunkBuster Anti-Cheat system. Visit http://www.evenbalance.com for more information. [11.06.2008 20:32:10] PnkBstrB v2.122 (COD4) Service Started Successfully. This service is a component of the PunkBuster Anti-Cheat system. Visit http://www.evenbalance.com for more information. [11.06.2008 20:32:16] WARNING: CRITICAL ERROR: Failed to Register Service (ffac) [11.06.2008 20:32:22] PnkBstrB v2.122 (COD4) Service Started Successfully. This service is a component of the PunkBuster Anti-Cheat system. Visit http://www.evenbalance.com for more information. [11.06.2008 20:32:28] WARNING: CRITICAL ERROR: Failed to Register Service (ffac) [11.06.2008 20:32:34] PnkBstrB v2.122 (COD4) Service Started Successfully. This service is a component of the PunkBuster Anti-Cheat system. Visit http://www.evenbalance.com for more information. [11.06.2008 20:34:35] PnkBstrB v2.122 (COD4) Service Attempting Unload. This service is a component of the PunkBuster Anti-Cheat system. Visit http://www.evenbalance.com for more information. [11.06.2008 20:36:46] PnkBstrB v2.122 (COD4) Service Started Successfully. This service is a component of the PunkBuster Anti-Cheat system. Visit http://www.evenbalance.com for more information. [11.06.2008 20:37:12] PnkBstrB v2.122 (COD4) Service Started Successfully. This service is a component of the PunkBuster Anti-Cheat system. Visit http://www.evenbalance.com for more information. [11.06.2008 20:37:15] WARNING: Ignoring Packet from unauthenticated source [11.06.2008 20:37:18] WARNING: CRITICAL ERROR: Failed to Register Service (ffac) [11.06.2008 20:37:24] PnkBstrB v2.122 (COD4) Service Started Successfully. This service is a component of the PunkBuster Anti-Cheat system. Visit http://www.evenbalance.com for more information. [11.06.2008 20:39:25] PnkBstrB v2.122 (COD4) Service Attempting Unload. This service is a component of the PunkBuster Anti-Cheat system. Visit http://www.evenbalance.com for more information.
  5. guys wold stopzilla interfere wlth my punkbuster on my setting in real time protection i have browers,network,system,runtime and auto start all fully protected
  6. yes i do have it enabled damm i thought i was getting somewhere wat i dont understand tho if i reboot my pc and run cod4 ican play and dont get kick but as soon as i try and join another server i get kick thats the bit i dont get. now if pb wasnt working or on i would get kicked straight away btw i have also got even balance tec team trying to sort this out with me. but they seem to take along time to reply to ticket. the nexted phase they have just asked for is to take a look at the log files of pb in windows 32 do u think that would help u if i posted the imformation in here to help u help me resolve this issus? btw its not avast just tried it again and got kicked :(
  7. still not working :( but im 95% sure that it is avast wats causing the problem
  8. guys u never guess wat its sorted :) i think i no u shouldnt do this but i did i unistalled my avast security program and the game run with no probs i have re installed a different version of avast and now everything seems to be ok touch wood guys i have to say tho thankyou all very much for your help and your quick responses and be sure if this hasnt worked :) i will be back :)
  9. guys i dont understand this i just restared my pc and i could play on a server but again when i come out of server rejoin another i get kick this is really strange i am getting really fed up with this. running out of things to do i might just bin the game :(
  10. right i have just reistalled cod4 and with no updates to game i still get kick with the same message as before
  11. tell u wat i have done now i have totally unistalled pb includeing registry and the same with cod4 and im going to start again btw how do i do wat u said with my addmin account ?
  12. no im not
  13. this message every time bazacop punkbuster kicked player "bazacop (for 0 minutes) RESTRICTION SERVICE communatication failure pnkBstrb.exe driver failure (pnkBstrk) ffab
  14. sorry but not really sure wat u mean by this. when i bring up task manager by ctrl alt del i dont get any sort of service tab wat i get on my task manager is apps process performance networking and users. sorry im abit of a noob btw i am using xp with service pack 3 another thing i dont understand is if you completely clear your pc of cod4 and pb and then reinstall why do i still get the errors useally if u have probs and u do this the game is ok makes me think something on my pc is not helping as i said before tho i have do a complete scan using avast and stopzilla and pc is clear. carnt work this out :(
  15. yes i have done that twice and still get the message and the anti virus im useing is advast
  16. yes done that. also done it again cause it still had the message done it twice the second time i took out every thing so i have to start my profile again. also i have done a complete scan of my pc for both viruss and spyware trogans etc and im clean the stupid thing is it did use to work ok dont no wats happen and another thing sometimes when i have started my pc i can go into a server and every thing is ok.BUT if i leave that server and try and join another one thats when i get kicked
  17. im sorry to say that neither of them worked :(
  18. hello everyone i really need help with this and i carnt sort it pls can u help me i am a bit of a noob with pc sorry any help on how to correct this would be nice thks i have tried even balance with the ticket stuff but dont seem to be getting anywhere got the got the pbsve.exe tried all of that but no joy this is the problem Starting PunkBuster Service Tests (v0.986) (11/01/08 00:00:57) Checking OS Windows XP (build 2600, Service Pack 3) 32-bit Checking PnkBstrA service status RUNNING Checking PnkBstrA Version OK (1029) Extracting "PnkBstrB.exe" to: "C:\Documents and Settings\barry\Application Data\PnkBstrB.exe" OK Checking firewall settings OFF Is PnkBstrA explicitly allowed? C:\WINDOWS\system32\PnkBstrA.exe YES Is PnkBstrB explicitly allowed? C:\WINDOWS\system32\PnkBstrB.exe YES Checking if PnkBstrB is running STOPPED Getting port for PnkBstrA OK (44301) Opening socket for packet send OK Sending version packet to PnkBstrA SENT Receiving version from PnkBstrA OK Received 6 bytes from Response = 7703 (ms) Version = v1029 Getting PnkBstrB install instance OK Sending start packet to PnkBstrA SENT Waiting for packet from PnkBstrA OK Received 3 bytes from Response = 12078 (ms) PnkBstrB started. Load SUCCESSFUL. Watching for PnkBstrB instance change (1) CHANGED (2) Getting port for PnkBstrB OK (45301) Sending version packet to PnkBstrB SENT Receiving version from PnkBstrB OK Received 5 bytes from Response = 3281 (ms) Version = 2057 Checking PnkBstrK driver status STOPPED Deleting PnkBstrK ERROR Checking PnkBstrK driver status STILL FOUND (driver status 1) Extracting new PnkBstrK to: "C:\Documents and Settings\barry\Application Data\PnkBstrK.sys" OK Sending load packet to PnkBstrB SENT Checking PnkBstrK driver status STOPPED Deleting PnkBstrK ERROR Checking PnkBstrK driver status STILL FOUND (driver status 1) Manually stopping PnkBstrB STOPPED Removing test PnkBstrB file OK ---------------------------------- Tests finished. if anyone knows wat to do cold they explain in easy terms thankyou very much :)
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