Im having trouble getting server messages setup as well....
I have my main rankedserver.cfg file that has the following 3 lines at the bottom:
exec pbsv.cfg
exec maprotation.cfg
Now, my pbsv.cfg already has some lines in it for Task Settings that I pasted in, as a mod i was installing (promod3 final) said to do so, and is as follows:
//**************Task Settings****************//
pb_sv_MsgPrefix "^7[^1CAL/CEVO/TGL/TWL PB^7]" //[PB Message Prefix (default=3D^3PunkBuster Client)]
pb_sv_task 10 481 "say ^2DAMN^7:MW ^4Punkbuster ^7 config ^1December 11 2008"
pb_sv_task 1 60 "pb_sv_guidrelax 1"
pb_sv_task 1 20 "pb_sv_bindsrch "+attack""
pb_sv_task 1 25 "pb_sv_bindsrch "r_lodscalerigid""
pb_sv_task 1 15 "pb_sv_bindsrch "com_maxfps"
pb_sv_task 1 15 "pb_sv_bindsrch "footsteps"
pb_sv_task 1 30 "pb_sv_bindsrch "snd_restart""
pb_sv_task 1 15 "pb_sv_bindsrch "+holdbreath""
pb_sv_task 1 10 "pb_sv_bindsrch "sv_ClientSideBullets"
Now, should I just append my server messages to that? I cant try it cause im at work. Before I spotted that, i had the following at the bottom of my pbsv.cfg file:
pb_sv_load srvmsg.cfg
And then in my srvmsg.cfg file (in the pb folder) i had:
// Task setup for PunkBuster
//where <color> =
//^1 for Red
//^2 for Green
//^3 for Yellow
//^4 for Blue
//^5 for Cyan
//^6 for pink/Magenta
//^7 for White
//^8 for Black
//where <message> = the text you want to scroll
pb_sv_task 10 750 "say something 1"
pb_sv_task 100 750 "say something 2"
pb_sv_task 200 750 "say something 3"
pb_sv_task 300 750 "say something 4"
pb_sv_task 400 750 "say something 5"
Im wondering if the existence of the other Task Settings that I had not spotted in the pbsv.cfg file had stopped this from working :huh:
Will obviously try appending my messages to the existing task setting stuff in pbsv.cfg when i get home, but if anyone can confirm or pooh pooh my thoughts, It would be appreciated.