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Everything posted by MiB001

  1. Hey Fozzer where do you get off posting the info about that clan when I havent at any point said I'm a member or otherwise, yet again an abuse of position you now leave that clan open to all kinds of suggestions of cheating or otherwise just because I want to help one player out
  2. Just have to say that I got exactly the kind of recepetion I expected on this forum and can only say bring on the competition to you lot because your arrogance amazes me Maybe there are some decent users on here but from what I've seen the staff are all stuck up there own arses, lording it over people in the digital world must make them feel real big!
  3. Get real thats not playing thats getting your **** kicked to the dust and no fun at all and doesn't help him come on our server, BTW did you even read my post about COD Waw nearly out???
  4. See now this bit in bold is just what I expected after a good while trawling the forums to see if I could find an answer before asking, you guys go of what you want to believe and don't care about anything or anyone else The game is second hand Seriously I could go off on one and say loads but I aint gonna give you the pleasure, but I will say that I dont see how you guys can have the right to run this site and decide whether or not someone has the right to play this game on PB enabled servers when you don't even make the damn software in the first place Oh and mentioning the IP range are you for real even my IP is not that far from the ones on the ban so that excuse doesn't fly (or at least with me it doesn't)
  5. http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-viewban-fecf633e-vb92336.html As for not buying a 2nd hand game, the guy was only thinking "why buy new when COD WaW is out soon" and I have to say I agreed with him, I wouldnt pay full price for a new copy of COD4 right now even if I did need it
  6. A friend of mine has bought COD4 second hand and cannot get into Punkbuster enabled games because his GUID is on the MBI for "VIOLATION (MD5TOOL) 9002" I have checked here to see if it could be appealled but it says that an appeal has already been made and after trying to sort it out with Even Balance they have told me that I have to contact you here at PBBans because they are "not affiliated" with you. The main reasons I'm here are because I'm one of our team founders, his PC repairer/builder, the guy is pretty much PC illiterate but a damn good player and I want him to be able to play online and have a fair chance Oh and I want him on my team Any help with this would be gratefuly accepted and I will provide any information I can
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