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  1. I just tried the key again, and it is indeed not working. Sorry about the rant, going to have a word with the seller... :rolleyes:
  2. Thanks for the reply, I have already tried the key on another PC/internet connection and all is well when connected to PB enabled servers. From what you are telling me, the GUID that is currently being generated is from my current CD key and regardless of what happened with my old key that should not affect me, correct?
  3. To whom it may concern, I decided today that I would get back into COD4 MP after not having played since May. I had sold my copy of game/key on ebay and figured that was the end of it. However, today I had purchased a new key and to my surprise I get this message. I know for a fact it is not the key, so please don't say that this is what is causing the issue. Now, I'm not exactly sure how my PC is banned for the actions of someone in another state. I have NEVER lent my key out and don't live even remotely close to Oregon. Furthermore, I have been around the PC FPS scene since MOH:AA and have NEVER used hacks/cheats/etc. Really this is overkill, does PB just ban every IP/Hardware ID under the sun related to a particular key? I also noticed that an appeal had been already made; obviously not by me. I can also provide ebay/paypal evidence of having sold the game back in May if necessary. http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-viewban-b580e40f-vb83614.html Thanks, I hope this issue is resolved quickly. EDIT: I really don't want to see those responsible for this ban to get away clean, so if it is possible just to remove my systems information relating to the ban, then that's the way I'd prefer it.
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