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.:CoRe:. last won the day on February 1 2010

.:CoRe:. had the most liked content!

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About .:CoRe:.

  • Birthday 03/13/1992

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    Chesterfield, England

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    Call of Duty 4
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  1. Sorry about necropost but, damn. I was surprised this hadn't been done quite a while ago.
  2. ha I know games on console have assisted aim but that is ridiculous
  3. .:CoRe:.

    Pb ban

    A player under that alias is banned on the GUID shown here http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-viewban-9560c7fa-vb142001.html It also appears he has a new GUID that is not banned, he seems to have bought a new CD key after he was banned.
  4. Personal Best! Three demos in a month.

  5. I don't really see how it being a shoutbox is a problem if only SGA members could use it. However There does seem to be an increasing number of guests posting for help using it. I think making it SGA only would be a good step.
  6. No one will request you to post your CD keys on the internet, especially on a forum that is viewable to anyone.
  7. "Your recent application for PunksBusted membership has been approved." This is PBBans, not PunkBusted.
  8. Personally I like using config files rather than using a GUI tool to configure everything. But then again I'm also the type of person who favours command prompt.
  9. Most servers do this buy utilising the pb_sv_task function on punkbuster. You need to access the files on your server either through FTP or a server control panel like TCAdmin. Once you've got access you need to open the pb/ folder, if you're streaming to PBBans you should already have the pbsv.cfg file in this folder. If not create the file yourself using notepad, then save as .cfg . Once you've done this you can start to enter the commands into the config, it is done in this format. Both times are in seconds. pb_sv_task <time_it_is_first_run> <How_often_it_will_repeat> "say Type your message here" For example, I would use something like this on a server. pb_sv_task 0 60 "say This is a test message" You then add more lines to add more messages. For example, pb_sv_task 0 60 "say This is a test message" pb_sv_task 30 60 "say This is a second test message" Hope this helps,
  10. Manufacturer: Custom Processor: intel Core2Quad Q6600 @ 3112MHz Gfx Cards: 2x 8800GT SLI @ 700/1800/900 Motherboard: EVGA 750i FTW Memory: 4GB OCZ Nvidia Special Edition DDR2-800 @ 1067MHz 5-4-4-12 PSU: 1KW Thermaltake Toughpower Modular CPU Cooling: TITAN Fenrir Case: CoolerMaster Cosmos S Monitor 1: Samsung SyncMaster 2483hm 24" (1920 x 1200) Monitor 2: Relisys TFT Flat Panel 17" (1280 x 1024) Speakers: Logitech 5.1 (No idea what they're actually called) Headset: Logitech G35 7.1 Surround Mouse: Razer Lachesis Mat: Razer Destructor Keyboard: Razer Lycosa It's getting a bit dated now, the original build was from November 2007, but since then I've replaced the RAM twice, the motherboard, the PSU and the Case.
  11. I've joined a new clan and they're going to add me to their team admin instead. However I'm still linked to my old team (Account ID: 6039) so it won't allow them to add me. I'm the only user on the team so I cannot remove myself, could you please remove my account from this team so I may join a different one. My user ID is: 130545 Old Teams ID: 6039 Thanks, Core
  12. Your member roster, whether it is there or not is not viewable to the public. This is a requirement I believe, and unless every post in the forums are restricted there is only one topic. Also there is no server list that I can see. As Surfy said you'll have to make these changes if you want to stream PBBans.
  13. It's always nice when something like this comes along and brightens up my day. Well everyone's got to have some kind of hoby, some people play games, others come up with miraculuous conspiracy theories regarding anti-cheat orginisations. God it just cracks me up :lol: P.S. Was that his own avatar or did an admin change it. If so to them
  14. Oh pretty :rolleyes: Good job!
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