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  1. has not set their status

  2. The admins. Yeah, ok. Had nothing to do with, LOL, Gunny. But yes the ban has been lifted <_<
  3. His gameplay was enough for us to run him on MPi. One of the ips with the banned guid is similar but not exact to the one he was playing with from the server (both start 74.). We did use ip locator and locations are pretty close together. So yes the ips asscoiated with the banned guid, one of them, the 74..... is very close to the area he was playing from when we banned the other day (74......).
  4. Ok, so gunny_hawg was on our server the other day and an ingame admin asked an SGA to run him in pbbans. He comes up with a caught guid and a ban is issued. Gunny_hawg appeals the ban on our site with a link to this thread. According to this thread, he should not be banned because the banned guid is not his. How do we know that for sure? Also, his cd hash, which is his guid, right? Does not match any of the 3 associated with gunny_hawg. Also, the ip he used the other day, on our server, when searched in pbbans mpi, comes up as "no records found"'. Just looking for some clarification. Because if he's clean fine. But he was initially searched for a reason. Thanks, Top
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