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Everything posted by Corp_Death

  1. server does not seem to be streaming and dont klnow why.. any ideas>??
  2. hey guys, Corp_Death Added a bf3 server to my account and its been approved for streaming, i cant get into the Master Config index due to it stating i'm not a streaming member. Any help? Corp
  3. Has the new release fixed the streaming issues>???
  4. I do agree with you guys and why you are making a stand, sadly now with no PB at all on our server its now a full time job just to admin it... Sadly with this in mind we will be dropping our server and sticking with BC2 / BC2 Vietnam. I reckon a lot of server admins will be doing the same. Corp
  5. I had the same issue... kinda gave up.. used winzip aswell as winrar thought it was me lol
  6. i'm having probs getting mine streaming, cant even get the web thing to work right.. i can log in but then when i click any buttons it comes up page not found any ideas? *-************************** strike that its streaming now.... :)
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