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Everything posted by Cisky

  1. Cisky

    new Server

    Hello the server was no good and I have changed with qusto ip: enabled me to stream here?
  2. Cisky

    new Server

    Hello, we have changed server ip and I wanted to ask you if you activate the streaming I leave ip:
  3. I set the server to stream PBBans you enable it please? Server Battlefield3 ip:
  4. I set the server to stream PBBans you enable it please? Server Battlefield3 ip: I do not understand why every time we set the server for a pcw etc, then disconnects from PBBans
  5. I set the server to stream PBBans you enable it please? Server Battlefield3 ip:
  6. Thank you very much
  7. I set the server to stream PBBans you enable it please? Server Battlefield3 ip:
  8. Hi I have entered my server but does not activate streaming here is why the ip: servers Battlefield 3
  9. Hi I would like my riattivat ril accaunt you can '?
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