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About JSCCajun

  • Birthday 02/18/1957

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    American Infidels
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  • Wish to Stream to PBBans?

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  1. I have read through the forums and been patient to wait for all these updates, thinking that then they will work on making it easier for the Server Admins to have the proper tools to work with. I am very frustrated. I did get my server to stream...that was the easy part thanks to your webtool...or at least it says it is streaming. I posted a ticket at Game Servers and asked them ( only because someone else here said they asked and got this) "We are streaming pbbans, and need to have access to certain files. ( some are available in the Control panel but they don't work) Read+write+create+delete: pb/svlogs/* pb/svss/* pbsv.cfg pbsvuser.cfg pbsvlog.cfg pbbans.dat *Read+delete: sv_viol.log sv_cheats.log I doni't know if you do this via a limited ftp access or through the control panel. Is this something you can provide?" The response I got was ...I'm afraid this is not something that we can provide. So.. I have two different 3rd party control panels that we use to kick or ban with, and they are very limited. If you close them they lose all their settings. We had a group on our server last night that we are so very suspicious of.. and even though we could ban them and be done with it... we really can't prove what they are doing, and I have no where to go to get screen shots to see what they are seeing. I do not see any of the messages that pbbans used to put on the screen, but that doesn't seem to work in this game. Call me frustrated, but I don't know where else to turn. Our server is for our clan to get together and play and have fun, and when we get a few of these guys who just kill from impossible places and positions.. Our people get upset and leave because.. we can't prove their using hacks, but it is just too obvious that they aren't. So I am left with banning the entire group manually, and will have to reload this list everytime the server restarts. I am sorry I am just needed to vent. I know you don't need this here and can delete this if it is inappropriate. Any suggestions would be wonderful, and greatly appreciated. Maybe I am just not using the tools properly or something. Thanks for your time.
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