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Everything posted by Satangel

  1. Okay, I've reinstalled the game, and now it works :) I just deinstalld the game, deleted all my profiles and mods and then I installed the game again. After the game was installed, I installed the 1.3 patch and it worked :)
  2. How could it be caused by that? The game has been working for 6 months perfectly without updating my Drivers...... I'm gonna reinstall the game, hopefully that helps :)
  3. This is so frustrating! I haven't changed anything to PunkBuster yesterday and it started doing that. Then I updated my PunkBuster, and it still doesn't work!
  4. No, I'm not switching to XP :P
  5. I've tried the 2 solutions from above, and they did not help. And I have Vista 64 Business, and my memory usage was around 30%. And I always reboot my PC, Ive never left it on for 24 hours or longer.
  6. I get this error when playing for a few minutes on any Call of Duty 2 server: Server disconnected - Satangel PunkBuster kicked player 'Satangel' (for 0 minutes) ... RESTRICTION: Corrupted File/Memory [81179]a How can I fix it? I bought the game from a real store, no D2D or Steam.
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