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About PF_Zeta

  • Birthday 01/01/1972

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  1. thanks MJ and thanks pbban staff. I hope its gonna be ok asap Regards
  2. Let me explain the problem, I can play couple of hours without any problems. I close the game and the day after I open the game and click 1Para server to join and get the mesage saying "u have been banned from this server (admin decision)" I never get kicked while playing it happens the day after when I tried to get in server. so it seems my name is streaming to ban list while I'm offline
  3. I know I'm not on the list but I WAS in the PBBans list till my ban appealed so thats why I posted here if somethings not cleared other then lifting the ban I really dont know about it m8 thanks for your help
  4. dear admins, I have a problem and will be appy if u can sort it out. Due to my prior false ban which was lifted by evenbalance, sometimes I got banned mesage with streaming servers . I'm not on ban list but it looks like something still staying behind my prior ban/lift. the message says "banned from server due to prior permanent ban" then server admins have to check the pbbans then clears something to let me get in. After checking their logs we decided this false ban notification is coming from pbbans. is it possible to check if some ghost bans still exists related with my guid ? thanks for your support here is the link about my false ban lifted by evenbalance http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?sho...ic=97144&hl= regards *M.O.S*
  5. Hi dear pbban admins I'm here again as I have contacted head of Research from EvenBalance and he mailed to me that my ban is by an error So he would like u to lift my ban as an error of punkbuster This is his email Note #9: Hello, my name is Glenn, and I'm the head of Research and Support. We've gone back and looked at the actual violation in question on this particular GUID. It does appear that on this GUID, this violation was triggered in error. Simply contact PBBans with this troubleticket, and PBBans will remove your ban. We apologize for the inconvenience my Guid : *ca511671 nickname = *M.O.S* I can send my trouble ticket my dont know to send with Private way or here as public Thanks for support
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