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About Killawazza

  • Birthday 06/08/1983

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    Darkside International Gamers
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    Battlefield 2142
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  1. It is through gameservers. Not a local computer. I have put a couple of threads in a couple of places to hopefully figure it out. I've also contacted the ISP, Bethere. Wazza
  2. Sorry for all the ISP problems, i truely still have no idea what is going on there. If you could tell me the ISP you guys are using then i can look into it a little better. Thankyou for pushing on to resolve this issue. Wazza
  3. Had i not of had to go to work then i am sure i would have seen the deniel sooner. Obviously i had seen it though as the title of this thread is pretty self explanetory. I couldn't respond/reply to the denied thread though as it was locked when i got a chance to check it out. I guess it wouldn't have made a difference if i had reapplied or attempted to just rectify it through this topic, it seams that your computer ip has some sort of an issue with our site. I have absolutely no idea why but will look into it. It could be a potentially big problem for us anyway that we would have never known about. Is it at all possible that someone else attempts to visit our site to verify it or whatever else it is you guys need to do. As for it being on the War Pigs account i would much prefer to have it setup to my own but it looks like that may not be possible for a while. El_Pato thought he would do us a favor by adding to his account, nice gesture and i appreciate it but if my issue is sorted out i would prefer to have it setup on my account. Thankyou for your time. Wazza
  4. I thought i should mention that a good friend from the War Pigs has added my server to his details when he realised it wasn't streaming. Thats all good and well but i am a little dissappointed by the lack of answer from anyone. Even if the reply was to reapply for the team account thing. Atleast i would have known where i stood, ignorance is unproffessional and gets annoying. Sorry if i am out of line but i thought you guys seamed alot more professional than that. Wazza
  5. Hi, i applied to have my server added to the streaming list. I just came across it in the temp denied area but as it was locked i could not reply. It said I hope this helps and i apoligise for the error. http://dsi.clanservers.com/html/index.php Thankyou for your time. Mr W Cope Server Owner/Clan Founder
  6. I have absolutely no idea about any of this but i am having an almost identical issue. I was thinking that possibly a problem with the port may be what is preventing us from setting it up properly. The server, bf2/2142cc deamon and Rcon all have different ports, same ip's but different ports. I could be a complete retard but if this is of any relevance then i hope it helps us both out. Cheers Wazza
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