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Everything posted by Compdude

  1. Ok, thanks.
  2. What is this? I've never seen anything like it listed under False Positives: And the screenshot info: name:boaaaaf real name:boaaaaf aliases:[none] GUID:*GUID of a potentially clean player removed* earliest:Sat 20Feb10 10:53:18 a.m. latest:Sat 20Feb10 10:56:32 a.m. screenshots:2 Both screenshots look exactly like this. I think this server is streaming as well- EPIC NOOBS HCAlley
  3. High-Quality video: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQOTseU5eJU[/media]
  4. I think it's just a game glitch, I've seen it in spectate before when someone switches to a player right as they call a UAV.
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