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  1. Since i downloaded Rivatuner 2 weeks after the problem started, its not the cause. XFire doesn't affect PB. Steam neither.
  2. The number of the kick i dunno, because i'm reinstalling my BF2 to see if i can install Special Forces and the Booster Pack.
  3. There's a program called RivaTuner, wich i use to overclock my video card. My OS is Windows XP Professional SP3. The only gaming harwares that run with the game are Steam and XFire.
  4. Thanks you all for the help, i already reported to evenbalance support. I don't use any logitech's equipment, only the headset, but i didn't install any driver or software. And what is a macro? My knowledge of computers is small, i only understand about hardware. My antivirus is kapersky, and sometimes appears a message "Macros executing", and i don't have any ideas of how to disable them. And to Lucky_Fr4gg3r, yes, i'm 100% sure it happens only in PB servers.
  5. I want to know why i can't play on any ******* server with PB. Always 30 segs after joining a server i get kicked and a message appears saying "disallowed program/driver". When i looked in EvenBalance.com the number that appeared (80000's) was sign that i was using a GameHack. WHAT THE **** IS A GAMEHACK? YOU'RE SAYING THAT I CHEAT? I NEVER CHEATED IN NOTHING YOU FOOLS! I'M NOT A 10 YEARS OLD N00B WITH AIMING AND MOVEMENT ISSUES! PUNKBUSTER MAY BE WORST THAN VAC! I WANT A SOLLUTION NOW BECAUSE I SPENT 60 BUCKS ON MY BF2 COMPLETE COLLECTION AND NOW I CAN'T PLAY IT! I'M SERIOUSLY PISSED WITH THIS! *Admin Edit*: Please do not post with foul language.
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