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Everything posted by sharky1964

  1. My Bad ment to say Group status has changed from Streaming admin to member It was Streaming Admin status before
  2. Thank you for your quick reply .. there was one other thing i,ve also lost my Streaming admin status it been changed to Normal User not sure if it's related to the same issue.
  3. CoD4 Server - was streaming for quite awhile. But now showing InActive for some reason in management page this only happened when i added the other 2 servers ? I have since added 2 more servers but these was removed form some reason might of been coz our forum page was blocked to gests but everything else is there. Team Roster near the bottom on the right hand side Forum now turned on to public http://plan-b-clan.co.uk/news.php the 2 server that were added Cod 4 : Cod 5 :
  4. We missed you welcome back
  5. Would it be possible for us to change our Team Name+Tag for me please. New Tag = [PBC] New Name = Plan B Clan and could you point me to the file i need for our server to stream Best Regards sharky.
  6. Hi are the servers down again as we are not streaming ?? :o
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