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Everything posted by scrapdizle

  1. I do care about pbbans. You guys keep are servers clean. I urge every server owner i know to stream pbbans. Anyway sorry about calling you guys idiots, it just bothers the he** outta me that my name shows up.
  2. you guys are idiots. Not only did u not understand that im being tracked by my IP so even if i bought i new game it would still follow. Ive lost all faith in pbbans.
  3. I have my own cdkey. Im being tracked by my ip not my original guid. I dont understand how its an issue to remove me as an alias from pbbans because its obvious the cdkey was globally banned before i even used it thus making me an alias. I could understand if my ip related to the orignal violater or if i even lived in the same country but both are false. is there ANY possible way to be removed as a alias from this GUID??? I have done nothing wrong.
  4. My clan just gave me the boot cause someone did i search on my name and that stuffed showed up. it there anyway to remove it? please, i dont want to join another clan and them boot me aswell. It obvious that the orignal violator wasnt me because its a UK ip address. PLEASE? This bothers me so much. :(
  5. I was in a server playing with some clans mates and i binded my mouse wheel to shoot. I got banned from all air dale opts streaming servers for this and i have no issuse with that. I was unaware that this was considered a bannable offence. Not knowing that the company even exsisted, i tried to join a server it said i was banned by a server admin. so im thinking that i pissed of an admin or something. So i change my cdkey to a key my friend gave me after he stopped playing cod4 to be able to join. Low and behold he had been banned for some sort of aimbot. so when i join this server i get auto kicked for global ban. I had no idea, so now im in the ban index for pbbans with my name ([FU]Scrapdizle).... this does not look good. i hate hackers with a passion, i have never hacked in my life nor even have the knowledge to hack. But yet ever since i used that cdkey im being tracked as a hacker.. i switch my cdkey back to what it was and everything is ok again but my name still shows up as a alias for this cdkey. Please help me.
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