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idaho last won the day on September 7 2011

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About idaho

  • Birthday 11/30/1959

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    Harlies & Hotties
    Retired I.B.E.W.
  • Location
    Rochester , N.Y.

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    Red Orchestra 2
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  1. don;t see any thing about it here and am wondering what others think of it .
  2. expect as with ro2 that will deteriorate once game is released with patches . stinks as I see pb & dedicated server files but grafics & game play [feel] are as dated as the unreal engine is . But well worth the $11.00
  3. idaho


    http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=92945422 theres open beta currently , they are talking the talk ie: mod tools , dedicated server files etc etc , now throw some pb in with the vac & walk the talk
  4. One game killer for me was "thermal imaging" & its full day light use in vehicles , realism's abound in Dice's views on reality . Oh & if it was to make the "game" more fun , I'd suggest a way of admins having the ability to shut it off . Along with that the game isn't worth a thread on any forum , the only decent shooter out now is red orchestra 2 but accepting its issues as the community irons things out thru modding will prove trying @ the least .
  5. http://www.anandtech.com/show/5051/call-of-duty-elite-delayed-on-pc Gota love their admittance to it being a "console platform" now , hope they suffer from here on out too as if $60 for new maps / "game" & dx9 are pitiful to say the least .
  6. RO2 = pb & pbbans supported , vac , modding , free dlc [maps] . Graphics are dated but wtf everything else a gamer/clan could want is there & Tripwire/Developer is actively supportive . Hopefully this will take a noticeable chunk of $ out of the devs for other profit squeezing companies or @ least enough to force them to take notice of what the community really wants & is willing to buy . We're all in & hope to see many other groups & players support a real multi-player experience .
  7. Dedicated servers confirmed http://www.shacknews.com/article/68811/duke-nukem-forever-dedicated-servers
  8. ranks & unlocks & campers oh my time to delve in the racing genre [maybe one with guns] . Please post back if anything FPS comes along & I'll do the same . Great knowing its not just me ,,, as I respect this site its endeavors and followers and all thats been done to promote clean gaming from your hard work . To bad the industry could care less .
  9. and you loaded your own server as you wished ? Games like Q1 Q2 Q3 SOF1 SOF2 Q3urban terror ect , have been renting crappy servers & worse games the past few years and am done unless theres a game/games that are truly of the afore mentioned genre that use todays technologies & yes pb/streaming also . Or should we all roll over & stick an appendage in a nintendo or such other game pad sissyfied device ? Reading thru these posts seeing everyone hoping for the same I think is why I post for help as I may have over looked a good modern game that allows hosting w/ control & individuality . Oh & by new I mean dx11 + , not $60 for a dx9 crapolla as CODBO w/ VAC and for that fact nothing at all to do w/ Steam or its ping killing "technologies" nor EA'S backend malfuntions or Windows Live rubbish . In writing this thoe I see my error as I've excluded my search without a mention of drm or the likes . Maybe I'll have to get a life then as its all gone now that gaming is for profit not play .........
  10. If its a PB enabled game, our servers run PBBans of course sir! Gotta keep those cheaters out.

  11. Fancy seeing you here !

  12. Made my Day ! Thanx to all involved !
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