Let's first start at the beginning.
3 moths ago my brother told my that our CD key from cod2 was already in use, but I didn't care because I play cod4 now and not cod2 anymore.
But today I wanted to play cod2 back.
So I installed the game, installed all the patches and updated my PB, but when I join the PBservers, I get this message :( :
Server disconnected - Niel punkbuster permanent ban issued on this game server for player 'Niel'...
GLOBAL punkbuster GUID ban f4a33f24
I have never hacked or cheated, so I think someone stole my CD key. I don't know how he did it, because I never give away my CD keys.
PLz help me, thx
P.S: Don't mind my Englisch please (I'm from Belgium) ;)