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Everything posted by cM::Sim

  1. a person would still need to mess with game files or add files to cheat with a aimbot or wallhack right? Couldn't they use speedpad to make no recoil macros or other stuff like that? The software can record what buttons you are push or how long your holding them down and then you turn that into a macro, i dont think it records mouse or does anything to it.
  2. A person could make a macro thats just like a script, the macro cfg is not inside game cfg so punkbuster doesn't log it.
  3. I know pb can log a person cfg but will it ever beable to log out of game cfg like for speedpads? A person can use the software that comes with a Nostromo N52 SpeedPad to make macros. If a person uses a speedpad the cfg is not linked into the games cfg so theres no way to prove if someones using one of these to get around pb logging. Do you know if theres anyway to setup pb to scan for it? (Sorry if this is the wrong place on the forums)
  4. Joint Ops is fun, just wish those 150man servers would enable pb. Someone said if they did not as many people could play. Anyone know if thats true? if it is i could understand, thats alot of scanning for pb to do lol. Name i use in Jo is Sim. (with the dot)
  5. What program you use to view the screen shots with? i use paint shop pro and open about 1000 at a time lol, just wish it would keep the brightness setting so i dont have to do shift+b each time on dark sreenshots.
  6. How many screen shots does everyones server take usually per week and how often do you clean them out? Our server had over 3000 (167mb on disk)screenshots in less then a week, do people actually go through each screenshot?
  7. The first one a blue line on that persons body and on the wall. The second one has the blue lines too, i dont know what to think. I wasn't sure if it had to be in .jpeg in order upload them or not. (first screenshots i've uploaded)
  8. I was wondering if you guys could tell me if this is a glitch or something else. if you need these in .png or any other info let me know.
  9. a person got kicked for that on our server today, we were playing monopoly.pk3 lol. Will they get put on the ban list or will they have a chance to get rid of it ? also are we allowed to upload screenshots in this section if we block out who the person is?
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