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  1. o so by public you meant, only admins and w/e. I was thinking unregistered people. I get it. Thanks!
  2. I dont mean to be annoying, but then what does this message mean when i search an alias? 1 result(s) found. Public access can not view clean players. Or did i ask the question wrong?
  3. Hey how do i view clean players pbss? on this website
  4. ah, i get it. thanks!
  5. Yea its in mid game, the game always loads normally the way it should. Its not until mid game that it turns black. Im a very good player and get accused of hacking in almost every server which is why black sky is very very fishy especially if it comes out on a pbss. =\
  6. Not sure if this is the right place.... Anyway im playing on my brothers Sony Vaio (running vista) and in mid game my sky will go black. I know there is a hack that makes your sky black so i immediately turn off bf2 and reload. I really hate doing that. Why is my sky disappearing? One more thing. Im looking for somebody on the banlist and his name shows up with a clean file. How do i view the clean file? Thanks
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