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Everything posted by Hikingwolf

  1. I thought you were very clear but i guess not for everyone. It does make you wonder why after over a year that BFH gets support and MOH gets dropped because of " No access to server files". :blink:
  2. Couldn't have said it better myself :concur:
  3. This is Great news,a few months back i was running a BF:heroes server and canceled because everyday there were 30+ screenshots of different people hacking.Im now going to be getting a server again because of this! GOOD JOB PBBans!! :woot: :rockon:
  4. Great news!!Thanks to all the PBBans staff for helping us Clan leaders provide a cheat free environment,keep up the good fight! Thanks again, ={GAU}=Hikingwolf :rockon:
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