I don't believe that the auto prestige rank 10 program should be a bannable offense. The program merely does what the super rank up servers do. The only difference is that it is on a much smaller scale. If Evenbalance wants to crack down on people sweeping through all the ranks they should attempt to crack down on the servers that have 100000 xp points per kill as opposed to something that a select few are doing. A friend of mine was permanently banned from all servers using this database. It isn't as if this program grants anyone a greater amount of skill or makes it easier to kill other players. All it does is simply the exact same thing that servers using this pb database do. It marvels me that a program that merely brings someone up to rank if they for example wanted to create another account with a new name( which is why my friend used the program). Does someone who wanted a new name, but also keep their guns, deserve to be permanently banned? I don't think so, but whatever your decision may be I understand that you are trying to crack down on hackers, but I just cant say how it is a hack( and if it is considered a hack, how it gives a user an upperhand over another player.)