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Everything posted by Banana08

  1. Looks good.:D
  2. spielt gern BC2 :-)

  3. Nice to have you back online :) You all are doing a great job. Cheers
  4. Crank-Fighters ..... Sowieso ADMIN ABUSE auf dem Public. Die machen was sie wollen die Noobs :) Crank = ClanAdmin (Banned) http://www.pbbans.com/mpi/results.php?srch...amp;safeview=no Das sagt doch schon alles.... ### In english: Crank-fighters... they are doing what they want to. Admin Abuse is the head topic when you try to play there. Crank = ClanAdmin (Banned) http://www.pbbans.com/mpi/results.php?srch...amp;safeview=no Admin is a cheater, members are abusing their rights and the ranked server so.. i think everyone knows what's going on there.
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