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  1. Ok all, thank you everyone for your help, I had put in a ticket with the server company to unscrew their portion of what was going on and what ever they did fixed the problem, I rebooted the server and BAM.. it was streaming. Thanks all again, your assistance is much appreciated!! :P Case can be closed.. B)
  2. Wow, thxs CoronelN, that looks like a lot of stuff to do, but a lot that may be causing the problem. What do you use to check the commands?
  3. Thanks Road Warrior, I believe you are correct for ranked BF2 servers as far as locking down PB, but I am not sure that applies to unranked bf2 server as I have, I will hve to look into it. Thanks again
  4. Fozzer, what do you use to check the server responce with those? I only ask because if I use the BF2CC rcon, I get nothing back, but I dont even get anything back from the other two servers. I will put a ticket in to have them reload PB
  5. Yes, I tried it and it said it all work with no problems, but server still wont stream for some reason. I have done a couple of other servers as far as setting them up with no problem, but this one is just being a hard nosed sob...lol Thanks Ice Man
  6. Is there anything different you might have to do for a linux 64 server?
  7. Thanks Fozzer, I will look into it again.
  8. Have been trying to get new server to stream since yesterday with no luck. I have tried everything listed in troubleshooting and server peeps say it all looks good but it isnt streaming yet. This is the 3rd server I have added for the clan, and the only on that has caused me grief...lol Can someone assist me in this. Server is BF2 server at for =SGA= clan.
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