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  1. We will start with on-www.over hardcore.net although our server is running very well which is also a Weng hurts! But the community counts! I just hope everyone does with you! There are approximately between 4000 and 4500 servers online every day! Tonight at 00:00 So I hope that it is only 10 test servers are online! They should remember that we are serious about this! With all the power! www.over-hardcore.net! MFG
  2. My clan is with you! It must be what happens!
  3. THE CLOCK IS RUNNING!!! LESS THAN TEN DAYS TO GO!! Treyarch has had EVERYTHING at THEIR CONVENIENCE!! PATCH 1.2 MUST BE RELEASED AT THE USER"S CONVENIENCE!! JANUARY 31, 2009!! From before November 11, 2008 with all the FANCY BS promises and hype through the "Holiday Vacation" 'till now, its been ALL Treyarch's way... Simply put, if the Patch is not out by January 31, 2009 IT'S SERVER BLACKOUT TIME!!! You were asked, then begged and finally warned time and time again. Your manchild mouthpiece gave all of us nothing but sarcastic BS remarks in return. Now as we approach crunch time he's yapping about 8-10 weeks to do a patch. BS!! Patch 1.1 your now infamous Day *0* patch refutes that lie big time. Forget the excuses, the BS reasons and reasoning - Especially the "Oh, we gotta do this and we gotta do that...." You gotta do one thing: Release Patch 1.2 on or before Jan. 31, 2009. Treyarch, you should've done all your gotta's BEFORE you RELEASED this $50.00 box of BUGS and BS on us!! Now, do the right thing or kiss the entire enchilada goodbye... PC & Console users have run out of patience. Treyarch - Get it done NOW! ** SPEND THE MONEY - PAY THE OVERTIME ** Fix Server Authentication Failures. Fix Spawn Logic - not working properly in all gametypes. Fix HTTP ReDirect it does not work. Fix alt+tabbing out, and back you either get a black screen or a crash Screenshots Broken - not incremental, they overwrite each other Fix missing cg_drawfps feature & Fix cg_fov it resets with every round. Add /record feature - Extremely important for competition. Optional Head Icons & Name Tags for both Friendly and Enemy Players. - Players should not be able to put color in their name tags, like green to look like a teammate. Name tags should not show through walls - NO Enemy name tags at all or an Admin option. Fix Enter Prestige, server reports "Primary grenade 0 is invalid. Setting to frag" in red text. Co-op servers will show up correctly in server browser, many players have difficult joining others as well LINUX BINARIES RELEASE Fix when you quit the game, blue screen pops up and restarts computer Fix unhandled exception errors appearing randomly Fix areas where a clip or texture requiring a specific sound doesn't do so when walked across. The Clipping/Collision/Blocking brushes should be more detailed. Far too many places in maps that should be accessible are clipped/blocked by straight line clipping. Rooftop access and climbing of trees are a plus thus adding to playability, all the promos showed tree snipers. Mod Tools must be properly patched. All the mp prefabs for each game type (CTF,DS,HQ etc..) are missing also some of the basic csv files. Fix the DVARS that are not write protected that allow Rank Raping. We are suffering through never ending CRASHING SERVERS, countless program BUGS, BROKEN ROUTINES and CRAPOLA TOOLS! Server Exploits Map Exploits Game Bugs Editor Bugs JANUARY 31, 2009!! No More Excuses! ENOUGH is ENOUGH!
  4. Am 31. Januar 2009 ist Server Blackout Time !!! Schon vor Release am 11. November 2008 gl
  5. Am 31. Januar 2009 ist Server Blackout Time !!! Schon vor Release am 11. November 2008 gl
  6. Hallo ! Acount Managment - Server Management - In der Mitte beim Server auf "Modify" Dann ganz nach unten scrollen und bei Greeting "Welcome $CURRENT_NICK to our server." eintragen, save . Jetzt geht alles Danke ! Kann man die Begr
  7. Hallo Also der Server steht auf "Server is streaming !" Doch in der Console kommt keine "Begr
  8. The "sets" went there at once! There are different versions of the commands! Sometimes, as with me, he wants a different version of the commands :) Ups Sorry;) I just want to help! I am looking for a new grad I Aavtar!
  9. COD Recon Tool 10 http://forum.i3d.net/downloads.php?do=file&id=1802
  10. Hi ! Her -- sets scr_teambalance "1" ;)
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