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About XamDam
- Birthday 12/13/1971
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Well after waiting for PB to respond to my above post about if there is away they can scan for the TAG'S in the clan tag part. Of course like we all suspected and know. Their answer was there is no way for them to fix such an issue it is Treyarchs issue to deal with.
Ok i am not sure of what actual exploit this pertains to, but i have seen PBBANS even recently banning people for PB HACK. Is this the exploit being scanned that is in question? If so then this so called FIX you all wish to have including myself has been done. If not, then please make us more aware what exploit it is and how we as admins can help protect our servers better until PB fixes this issue.
About 3 days.
I found userbars else where on this site and i am using them now.
LOL Yeah i know i can do that, but hey if it gets fixed YIPPEE, if not ... well at least ppl will hopefully get booted for impersonating XM if doing so in their name only. I will email Treyarch about this issue and i will await for their response. I am not one who gives up.
Yeah i already seen that new content and it looks good. My server is Ranked 23rd in Gametracker, highest we been was 20th last month. So i have a very good server and there has been imposters on while no clan ppl were around and they abused other players, basically attacking and trying to destroy the intergrity of XM people. This has happened more then several times..... yes i banned those whom did this after i was told by some of our loyal players, but it does not prevent others from using the TAG in the TAG clan part as there is no scanning for it. That is why i registered the XM tag, but DAMN treyarch... so this may never ever ever get fixed. Its only $24.00 USD for registering the TAG, but hell i like thinsg to work the way they should...... lol .... thats asking to much at times i know. Is there a way Modders can correct this isssue themselves? I think Treyarch did this for a reason = nobody can have the exact name as yours in the way it is spelled, which is good, but they failed the PBSS and the Allowing for scanning of the CLAN TAGS to be scanned by PB. I am sure PB can update their scanning engine to scan for the TAGS, so maybe that can be done. Or If someone knows what file i can EDIT, then i am willing to try it.
Lmao... So how can we fix this guys I need to clarify an Error i made ..... COD 4 only allows for TAG within name, I said it allowed TAGS aside from the name, but infact it does NOT allow for separate TAG from the name, have not played cod 4 for almost a year now... :rolleyes: Ok so can we MOD/HACK>> SHHHHHHHHH ..... the name profile somehow to correct this ourselves? :D Seriously can it be done so that the Extra TAG Characters are allowed with CODWAW names. What is the Coding for COD 4 that is Missing in CODWAW? ... Thats what we need. Or EB = PB maybe with a updated Scanning engine can scan TAGS and NAMES instead of just NAMES. Or Trayarch needs to fix this ASAP.
I just sent this INFO (Below) to PB evenbalance with my Ticket as a response to their response to me. I will wait their response to this. OK i just did an experiment.... listen to this. I read on PBBANS website in a forum post // *** For Call of Duty: World at War, "ProtectTag/Name" only works on the // *** Playername NOT the Clan Tag. // *** [ClanTag] PlayerName This is a PISS OFF and who needs to correct this???? PB or Treyrarch ??? He is the issue..... i made a new profile called XM-King and GUESS WHAT it works, it shows Registered in the /PB_Plist. Problem is the TAG is in the created NAME ..... not the actual CLAN TAG part which people can enter their CLAN tag NAME. Example: [XM]KING thats is how COD 4 is and CODWAW is and for COD 4 it works, but for CODWAW it does not. As for CODWAW it works only when the XM is in the name XM-King..... who needs to fix this ????? We can't have all of our 20 members putting XM in there PLAYER NAME as some have VERY long NAMES, basically your only allowed so many Characters in the Player Name. So someone has to fix this ASAP like NOW, SOON... so players, clan TAGS are scanned and not just the PLAYERS NAME for the XM tag.
Ah man that is just outright LAME. If this is true, which it appears to be thus far. Then PB should be stating this information before anyone PAYS for their service for CODWAW. There must be a way to correct this ourselves, what is COD 4 using as opposed to CODWAW ???
'RocknRoll' OMG .... i just looked at this protected.cfg you posted. http://www.geocities.com/rock_n_roll1964/protected.txt IS IT TRUE::::: // *** For Call of Duty: World at War, "ProtectTag/Name" only works on the // *** Playername NOT the Clan Tag. // *** [ClanTag] PlayerName If so ....... like i posted I run a CODWAW server and the TAG is separate from the NAME. If True //////// HOW to fix this ???
Ok you must be misunderstanding me and not fully read all my posts yet. I have the regname.dat file on my local computer ..... that part is OK and that has the (below) with in it PB_REGNAMES "XM" "OPPS PASS WE USE" Partial --------------- I have already stated serveral times all CLAN members have PUT the regnamepartial command into the console and that makes that FILE (above) on there computer. ----------------- I made a protected.cfg file and upoloaded the file to my SERVER PB FOLDER. I also added the pb_sv_task 120 -1 pb_sv_load protected.cfg //Loads tag protection into the pbsv.cfg file SO THAT IT LOADS the protected.cfg file. The protect.cfg file has this pb_sv_protecttag 1 XM // 2010-02-10 within it. --------------- I have tried 3 ways with 3 different loads commands, all do the samething < so it does not matter which way you do it: 1. WAY pb_sv_task 120 -1 pb_sv_load protected.cfg //Loads tag protection 2. Way ; ------------------------------ ; ProtectTag ; ------------------------------ pb_sv_protecttag 1 XM 3. Way This is the exec way of loading the file protected.cfg: pb_sv_load protected.cfg //load protected (if protected.cfg exists) -------------------------- Now when i do a PB_Plist in console ... like i posted already NO clan member is showing as registered.
Yeah but with us it is 0 out of 5 that have tried this so far. Again is it a CODWAW issue? Or cause were running PBBANS issue?
I not understanding a little? Does that CODE go into the PBSV.cfg as well? All that is in the regnamepartial.dat is the PB_REGNAMES"XM" "PASSWORD WE USE" Partial
Thks for your reply. No i never missed doing that, i do have the regname.dat in my PB folder. I run Vista 64-bit and it puts the file in a hidden folder called punkbuster/waw/pb the file is in that PB folder. I have had 5 members do the same out fo 20 so far and NONE of us are listed in the PB_Plist with a second line showing us registered, bascially it still showing us as normal in the PB_Plist. When i join my server and type PB_Plist i open the console right away and i can see Punkbuster has loaded the file as it says in the PB_Plist AddedRegisteredNameRecord: XM, but thats cause it loaded the (pb_sv_task 120 -1 pb_sv_load protected.cfg //Loads tag protection) that i put into the pbsv.cfg and it loads the protected.cfg so that part is OK. Its the Autentication part that is not OK, We don't see this in the PB_Plist Example: 6 xxxxxxxx(-) OK 3.1 1{0|0} (DD)name *REGISTERED "DD" Clan DD (Full Member) So i think i did everything correctly, but it still not working correctly. I am not sure what the issue is. Could it be because it may not work with Call Of Duty World At War or is it cause i am streaming PBBANS? Is there someting in any PBBANS file that i need to add somewhere for it to scan for Registered Tags?
I run a CODWAW server, not from home, gut it is a rented server. I run Vista 64-bit. Ok i registered my clan 2 days ago and when i do a /pb_plist i can see within the Blue Text that PB found one registred member for XM, but here is my deilema. I did do the console command for regnamepartial (and yep added regname file on PC), i did add a protect.cfg file with the added sv_load_protected.cfg. The thing is it still does not show me or ANY clan member of my as registered, like in this picture. I sent ticket to PB yesterday and they responded, but with no real help ... they just said the registration looks fine and works for them.... Frig That .... sure the name registration is REGISTRED fine , meaning in their database, but NOT working as it should (like in Picture Below), maybe authentication error, i don't know, but after paying 24.00 for TAG registration i am hoping this cane be solved. We not see the *REGISTERED for us and not see the little description Xtreme Massacre Clan Member. This is not working right, any help appreciated.