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Everything posted by Exe01

  1. We have a technical ace in our clan B) Super, bedankt voor je snelle hulp :)
  2. Clan/Group/League Website http://www.notsoserious.co.uk Clan/Group Tag [NSS] Game Server IP Address and Port port 16767 Game Played Battlefield 2 If neede wilkes will reapeat it, ore fill more info if you sould need it. Wilkes tryed to ad me to his team but got a error. Any ideas wat i ore he need to change ?? Zal vast allemaal wel lukken. Wat zijn sommige nederlanders toch lastig he :P
  3. Wilkes is a full [NSS] member and a co owner of the server. Server is on my name. If you like some info i will be glad to give it to you. Tell me wat you need and i will give it to you ASAP. Just tell me wat you need so we can proof its ours. Dont hope i have to set a new accound up again. runnig out off e mail addresses like this :lol:
  4. So if im corect he did buy 12 times a new bf2 game. He has 11 GUID`s Ore am i wrong with key+name is GUID number ?? Any chance i can report him with EA ?? would that have any chance ??
  5. Hi We had this player DOG_19_82 threatening us to crash the server, and he did after we band him. How can he come on our server, he has a big list with bans ??http://www.pbbans.com/mpi/results.php?srchtype=GUID&srchdata=8630859702590e5db6958e9e45f4cd51&game_id=13&showLG=yes&showAT=yes&safeview=no How can he come on the server wille it streaming ???
  6. I see my server is back up and streaming. Nice job boys, keep up doing the good work. ;)
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