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Everything posted by pimpfag

  1. OOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooowwwwwwwwww, I see. Ok, I did not know that he has to do this. Thnx again for ur advice guys. B) B)
  2. So I'm trying to get an application filled in and when I wanne submit I ge6t this...: The clan tag you entered is already in use The clan name you entered is already in use So whats next?? :blink: :blink:
  3. Ok guys, Its done, we are streaming to you guys and I gotte say that a lot of our visitors are being kicked. It works great and we have no lag or anything else of a problem. Now I wanne ask 1 more question to you all, how can I become a Pbbans-admin?? Do I have to do something for that?? I only want it cause then its even more of a statement that the [sRS]clan is a clean clan!! Thnx again guys. ;)
  4. Yeah, thats what he told me. He also said his bro confessed to him that it was just to get some kills. Ah, a shitty situation for a yopung clan but we have taken care of it. We also wanne go stream to Pbbans but can you guys give me like a link or something so we know what to do?? We realy wanne be knowed as a very clean clan... Thnx in advance guys.
  5. I told him what to do and he will get a new copy. I just hope that you guys dont think of our entire clan that we are hackers. Like I said, we run a clean ship and we will keep doing that. I wanne thank you all for ur good and fast responses. You sure helped a lot. Keep up the good work and cya later. [sRS]Pimp.
  6. Ok, I talked to him and he was surprised that he has 7 aliases. His lil bro has access to his PC and he playes when Dedwolf isnt at home. He found the file and has removed it immediatly and he's gonne have a very big talk with his brother. I understand you cant just believe this cause you dont have any proof of his brother existance but I'm asking this as a clanleader and a friend. I hate hackers and they are most certainly no friends of mine. We run a clean ship, thats a fact... Can we do something about this, I mean to get him off the list?? Besides appeal that is... We wanne stay a clean clan so we dont want any of our members on the MBI. Please let me know what I can do as a leader. Thnx for all the help guys, you rock!!
  7. So you guys are allmost certain that he hacked?? If thats true we as a clan have a serious issue. Are you guys a 100% sure??
  8. Hey guys, I am a Co-Founder of the [sRS]clan and one of our members seems to have been placed on the Pbbans-list. I checked his violation and the reason is an md5-tool violation. I mean the guy is in our clan for a long time and as a leader of the clan I'm sure he doesnt hack. Could it be a mistake or something?? What is an MD5-tool violation?? Is it possible that it gets fixed?? Please let me know what to do guys so our member can go to all the servers again. Thnk you very much for ur help. [sRS]Pimp.
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