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    Brothers in Arms
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    Call of Duty 4
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  1. Well I applied and was denied a while ago on the basis that the server was hosted in house. Now my clan is moving to an external game hoster at gameservers.com. How do I reapply with this server, I tried to click "Account Application" again but it just says "You have already applied for admin status but your application was denied."
  2. They are, there is no problem with that in my eyes. It's the same static ip but it is a dedicated server. As in nothing to do with my gaming machine. I host COD:W@W,COD4,And BF1942 all on it. Nothing having to do with playing. It's comical to me to be sitting here trying to fight to make my server safer yet I'm hitting dead ends. I just don't see what the problem is. Talk about a slap in the face to someone trying to do the right thing.
  3. FOR THE LAST TIME THE SERVER BOX WAS NOT USED TO PLAY THE GAME. I HAVE A GAMING MACHINE FOR THAT. The server is a server. Just under the same static IP. (Sorry for the caps, I understand your trying to help.)
  4. Why can I just not run it here, I just don't understand the problem with the idea that *Gasp* Oh shit I have a server and it's dedicated. What being the problem?
  5. Why is that? Your telling me that people like me can't buy a server solely for COD4/COD5 and host it in house with and upgraded bandwidth package? That is stupid, your telling me that I need to spend $90 on three servers just so I can have an IP off the MPI? At worst part about PBBans is that when they deny your application you cannot respond to the thread and dispute it. They give no hint as to who to dispute it to or anything? I've been trying so long to get everything up and running and this is the last thing I want on my servers. I got PunkBusted up in a matter of 15 minutes and was satisfied but apparently you need to be perfect for PBbans. As per that MPI you'll see it's a different GUIID then my current one and that more then I have used that key. It was something that got passed round among squad members at Rude N Crude till -RNC-Killa got caught cheating with it. I've had my fair share of shared keys but it's all done now. At which point we all bought valid keys.Also who said the server was playing the game? It's dedicated, hiding in a corner.
  6. But I mean, if people can verify that it is legit and doing good why would someone deny it? I maintain a very good uptime with my servers and everything? I'd have to go and buy a $30 a month server just so I can sleep better at night about cheaters? Thats BS when I have a quad core server sitting right next to me sitting on my Boost package. Maybe if the "Rules" were just a little bit less harsh the gaming world might be safer as a whole (Which to my understanding is the purpose of PBBans).
  7. Well the title says it all, I thought we were all on the same team. Apparently not seeing as it would seem that PBBans does everything in it's power to deny server streaming. I've been streaming for a month to PunkBusted with no problem yet everytime I apply here I get a different snippet from the ToS. The first application was denied because I had the wrong kind of email address, so I corrected this problem by hooking up a mail server. I applied again this time and my application is thrown in to the Temp & Perm Denied Applications. This is bull, someone can't use a dedicated home server they have to stream? It's not like it's my personal computer I mean hell it's running Server 2k3. You guys should seriously think about your policy's because denying people trying to make COD4 safer isen't going to get anyone anywhere. I hope this can be resolved and I hold firm in my belief that it will.
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