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About Mark CWB BR

  • Birthday 12/16/1980

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  • Gender
  • Interests
    Stream with Battlefield 2 server
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    Grupo de Opera
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  • Game Server IP Address and Port
  • Game Played
    Battlefield 2
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  1. Okay, excuse me. Joined the lack of attention to the auto-complete browser lol Tank you very much!!!!
  2. Checked, checked and everything is right. My ip not added to my account but make the entire procedure to be had, and ran the command pb_sv_uconlist on my local server and the message was returned: Is that the problem is not there? Well typed my ip in Check Streaming Server,and the result is the same: Server was not found Server was not found
  3. Yes, the server is added to my account. One question, can I add the ip of my computer as a test, because I can run a server here. That this is a problem, is in a datacenter
  4. There pbucon.use the file, but it is not empty.
  5. This part of the log caught my attention: Unknown Command/Setting: pb_sv_LogSync 0 Apparently it's all right: [02.23.2009 13:03:42] pb_sv_USessionLimit = 8 (0 to 16) [02.23.2009 13:03:42] pb_sv_UConTimeout = 300 (60 to 6000) [02.23.2009 13:03:42] pb_sv_uconmaxsendrate = 16 (1 to 128) [02.23.2009 13:03:42] PB UCON Profile added type=1 mask="" name="pbbanshub" [02.23.2009 13:03:42] Attempting to resolve master1.evenbalance.com [02.23.2009 13:03:42] Resolved to [] [02.23.2009 13:03:42] PunkBuster Server (v1.738 | A1392 C2.150) Enabled [02.23.2009 13:03:43] Game Version [1.1.2965-797.0]
  6. When you look at server ip page http://www.pbbans.com/msi.php , the result is: Server was not found
  7. I have followed these steps, but my rcon client does not receive the confirmation, I am using the native client of the game.
  8. Excuse me if this is not the correct place for this post, but I am lost here. I added a server but he is not doing stream. Already follow the step-in rcon commands, you can now upload in the ftp, but nothing solves my problem. I recently swapped the server, the previous run BF1942 in ip and new server is running BF2 in ip I want a help from you.
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