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  1. Ah neatO. Well then I guess the only other problem is adding users to the pbpower.cfg since I can't seem to find a way to do this. Unless... I can just create the list in game the same way, ala cod4, adding the names manually in the console, which in turn manually creates the pbpower.cfg? I really haven't found any information on this... And I really have looked... So sorry if it seems like a lot of questions. Ah, see I couldn't find the correct sytax anywhere. I can just throw the task commands in the pbsv.cfg? Or can I manually create a svrmsg.cfg file or something? Go MaydaX :) You've been really helpful, thanks a bundle.
  2. I've noticed that PB has yet to release an FAQ or guide for BC2 even though it's been out quite sometime. Which is horribly redundant since a lot of sites say, "For more information go check out evenbalance.com" It's sort of a pain in the butt, and since you guys seem far more in the loop I was wondering if anyone here could answer a few questions: 1) Will they ever implement a power points system? Obviously there is the ability to do so already, but it requires running an RCON program like BC2CC. I'm wondering if they'll ever make it just a PB thing. 2) Any easier way to adjust the server messages then with one of these tools? They're really awkward. 3) Any idea what the following files are being used for on the servers? These are the ones that gameservers.com let us see and edit: pbsvuser.cfg is completely empty and is why i'm asking about power points. custompb1.cfg you also get pb2 and pb3... Any ideas what these are used for? Just wondering... Any information would be much appreciated!
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