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Everything posted by muitodooido

  1. Ok. But I assure you the server it's not in my residence. As you can see in the VPS service site, none of the servers have video cards up to play. I can't even log in at VPS when there is a match, because the ping of all players would increase causing lag problems. I rent the server from a company, and I have complete acess to the computer, as any other servers that you do the streaming.
  2. Hi, my server has denied. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?sho...mp;hl=matomesmo . It's a trouble. The server isn't a home server. It's in a VPS (Virtual Private Server) (http://www.altsoft.com.br/). Please check the server again. And IPs, now my IP is diferent of the server. In first time, I logged in forum with VPS. Now, I'm in house and the IPs is diferents. Thanks.
  3. Entendi. Obrigado :)
  4. Estou tentando fazer streaming do server do meu time de cod 4, porem foi rejeitado, pois pagamos um VPS (virtual private server), e eu entrei pelo vps e cadastrei aq no ppbans, porem alegaram q
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